Sunday, November 24, 2019

exam 2 Essays

edci 2700/ kristin gansle/ lsu/ spring 2015/ exam 2 Essays edci 2700/ kristin gansle/ lsu/ spring 2015/ exam 2 Paper edci 2700/ kristin gansle/ lsu/ spring 2015/ exam 2 Paper IDEA definition of intellectual disability significantly subaverage intellectual functioning and deficits in adaptive behavior during the developmental period 3 criteria for ID diagnosis: 1. subaverage intellectual functioning2. significant difficulty with adaptive behavior3. above must occur during developmental period in order to distinguish between ID and other disabilities AAIDD definition significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, and practical adaptive skills. this disability originates before age 18 5 assumptions for definition 1. limitations must be considered within context of environments and culture2. valid assessment considers cultural and linguistic diversity, differences in communication, sensory, motor, and behavioral factors3. limitations often coexist w/ strengths4. purpose of describing limitations is to develop a profile of needed supports5. with personalized supports over a sustained period, life functioning will generally improve IQ scores of people with mild ID 50-55 to approx. 70 IQ scores of people with moderate ID 35-40 to 50-55 IQ scores of people with severe ID 20-25 to 34-40 IQ scores of people with profound ID below 20-25 how is intelligence assessed IQ tests IQ is a _______ construct hypothetical IQ tests measures only how a child performs at one point in time on the items included on the test IQ tests can be ______ biased culturally IQ scores can ________ significantly change IQ testing is not an. exact science IQ scores should not be used to determine _____ ________ IEP objectives IQ scores should never be used as the ______ ______ for making decisions regarding ______ ______ _______ sole basis; special education services definition of adaptive behavior collection of conceptual, social, and practical skills learned by people to function int heir everyday lives what do adaptive behaviors determine supports a student requires for success why is measurement of AB (adaptive behavior) proven difficult? because of the relative nature of social adjustment and competence how is AB measure a series of questions that a person familiar with the individual answers issues in social development include challenges in making and keeping relationships how many students ages 6-21 received sped under the category of ID 460,964 what percentage of sped students are ID 7.8% ID is the ________ largest disability category fourth prevalence rates ________ from state to state vary how many risk factors cause ID more than 350 how many ID cases are genetic 35% how many ID cases involve external trauma or toxin 1/3 prenatal causes of ID syndromes, chromosomal disorders, and maternal illness/parental age perinatal causes of ID prematurity, birth injury, neonatal disorders postnatal causes of ID head injuries, infections, degenerative disorders, malnutrition environmental influences of ID: Poverty, language development, abuse, deprivation, medical availability, substance abuse, disability, preparation academic curriculum content in the basics of reading, writing, and math functional curriculum independence, self-direction, and enjoyment in school, home, community, and work environments self determination set goals, plan and implement a course of action, evaluate their performance, and make adjustments in what they are doing to reach their goals task analysis break down complex tasks into the most basic steps active student response an observable response made to an instructional antecedent systematic feedback provided by the teacher information provided about the students performance transfer of stimulus control gradually and systematically withdrawing response prompts generalization and maintenance the use of what is learned across settings and over time direct and frequent measurement of student performance objective and frequent recording the performance of behavior what percentage of ID kids are in the gen ed class 17% what percentage of ID kids are in resource room programs 27% what percentage of ID kids are in separate classes 48% what percentage of ID kids are in separate schools, facilities, etc 7% IDEA definition of LD (learning disability) disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using language in what ways does an LD manifest itself speaking, listening, thinking, reading, writing, spelling, or math problems 3 criteria met to receive services for LD 1. discrepancy between intelligence and achievment2. exclusionary criterion: difficulties are not a result of another disability3. a need for sped services NJCLD definition of LD a group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or math abilities what percentage of LD kids have trouble with reading 80% what percentage of LD kids have trouble with math more than 50% what percentage of LD kids have trouble with social skills 75% when is the performance gap of an LD kid most noticeable middle and secondary grades how long do kids with LDs endure their disabilities their whole life LD is the __________ of all sped categories largest what percentage of students with sped services have an LD 42.3% what percentage of all students have an LD 4% what is the male to female ratio of kids with an LD 3:1 basic premise of RTI (responsiveness to instruction): measuring whether low achievement is due to poor instruction or a disability that requires sped services two function of RTI screening/identification and prevention tier 1: primary instruction in the gen ed class (all students receive instruction in the gen ed class) tier 2: secondary intervention (struggling students receive an intensive fixed-duration trial of small-group supplemental tutoring using a research-validated program) tier 3: tertiary intervention (sped services) benefits and goals of RTI earlier identification, reduction of students referred to sped, reduction in over identification, increased likelihood in improvement, and service to all students with achievement problems 4 methods of content enhancements: 1. graphic organizers and visual displays2. note taking strategies3. guided notes4. mnemonics what percentage of LD kids were served in the gen ed class 62% what percentage of LD kids were served in the resource room 28% what percentage of LD kids were served in a separate class 8% IDEA definition of ED (emotional disturbance) one or more characteristics displayed over a long period of time that adversely affects educational performance-inability to learn, trouble with relationships, inappropriate feelings or behavior, or general unhappiness problems with IDEA ED definition vague and subjective CCBD EDBD definition behavioral or emotional responses so different from appropriate age, cultural, or ethnic norms that they adversely affect educational performance including academic, social, vocational, or personal skills 3 characteristics associated with the CCBD EDBD definition: 1. more than temporary2. consistently exhibited in two different settings3. unresponsive to direct intervention in the general education setting 2 primary behavioral excesses external and internal 5 externalized EDBD excesses 1. lying2. temper tantrums3. stealing4. property destruction5. violence or threats of violence 4 internalized EDBD excesses 1. overly shy or immature2. withdrawn3. hypochondria4. easily upset and difficult to calm prevalence of EDBD among school age children 3-6% percentage of EDBD children receiving services less than 1% what percentage of committed youth were classified with a disability 40% biological factors of EDBD brain injury, genetics, temperament environmental factors of EDBD home, school, and community screening tests RTI to determine if intervention is necessary direct observation and measurement focuses on childs problems to create useful educational plans projective tests ambiguous stimuli EDBD tier 1 behavior management universal supports for all students EDBD tier 2 behavior management targeted interventions for students with at-risk behaviors EDBD tier 3 behavior management intensive, individualized interventions for students with high-risk behaviors what percentage of EDBD kids are in the gen ed class 40% what percentage of EDBD kids are in a separate class 23% what percentage of EDBD kids are in special schools 13% what percentage of EDBD kids are in correctional facilities 2% what percentage of EDBD kids are in residential schools 2% what percentage of EDBD kids are in home or hospital placement 1%

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